The outlook for the retail property market remains distinctly gloomy with an oversupply of retail property expected to persist until at lea…

The outlook for the retail property market remains distinctly gloomy with an oversupply of retail property expected to persist until at lea…
Regardless of whether you view housing as overvalued or not, it is unlikely there will be sustained in growth in asset values above 7% per …
The June quarter inflation data has provided no certainty of the RBA cutting the cash rate on August 6, but most economists seem to think th…
Australia’s biggest mortgage aggregator, AFG, has denied that the business is up for sale and has offered a $10,000 reward for anyone who …
Australia’s biggest mortgage aggregator, AFG, has denied that the business is up for sale and has offered a $10,000 reward for anyone who ca…
Kevin Rudd’s first-home buyer housing initiative – the first-home saver account (FHSA) incentive – has topped 40,000 savings accounts wi…
A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision in favour of a Melbourne apartment owner that operates serviced apartments in a Docklands resident…
Real estate businesses will come under scrutiny from the ATO to ensure they are meeting their employee superannuation guarantee obligations….
Australia needs to build more houses and apartments than it has done in the past as population growth picks up, interest rates remain low an…
Despite record retail property transactions in 2012 and continued keen interest from both institutional and private investors, the retail pr…
Capital city property values rose 1.9% in June led by gains in Sydney and Melbourne, according to the RP Data-Rismark Home Value Index. S…
Estate agent Michael Wilkes has been sentenced to five years’ jail for misappropriating $412,796.40 from trust accounts while operating inne…