Barristers spend a lot of time in court waiting for a hearing to begin and one of their greatest fears is that opposing counsel will bring u…
Barristers spend a lot of time in court waiting for a hearing to begin and one of their greatest fears is that opposing counsel will bring u…
Creativity is good – and more critical than ever in business. So why do so many once-creative companies get bogged down over time, with co…
Mark Zuckerberg’s honeymoon with Wall Street did not last long. Since Facebook’s initial public offering in mid-May, shares have fallen…
All around the world, governments are trying to get workers to work longer. Australia is no exception. Population ageing – increasing lon…
“I usually eat in front of my monitor because everyone else does and I would feel like a slacker going out to eat for a half an hour or an h…
News broke earlier this year that technology and consulting giant IBM planned to eliminate up to 8000 jobs from its 20,000-strong workforce …
Banks, companies and investors are preparing for a collapse of the euro. Cross-border bank lending is falling and asset managers are shunnin…
When the serious nature of public-sector indebtedness in Greece came to light in 2010, along with the need for financial rescue efforts to a…
The bribery scandal and apparent cover-up revealed this week by the ABC’s 7:30 Report and The Age that is now engulfing the Governor of t…
As the world’s economies become more integrated, even very small businesses will be dealing in multiple currencies, says Paulo Maia, chief …
There’s a powerful link between productivity and what has been identified as “compassionate leadership” in organisations, observes Christin…
Matt Ma, a former high-flying management consultant and one-time investment banker, suffered two career mid-life crises in his late 30s. “Th…