Are we overdoing positivity and strategies for success? Are we making life too simple and righteous? So many books that are dispensing help…

Eve Ash is a psychologist, author, filmmaker, public speaker and entrepreneur. She runs Seven Dimensions, a company specialising in training resources for the workplace.
Are we overdoing positivity and strategies for success? Are we making life too simple and righteous? So many books that are dispensing help…
Gender inequality behaviours continue to flourish in the workplace. A great recent piece by Facebook honcho Sheryl Sandberg and academic Ada…
A great place to meet someone special is at work! Two out of five of you reading this are likely in a workplace relationship. And of those, …
When I read that Madonna supposedly has 15-minute appointment blocks in her schedule for one-on-one time with each child for singing, homewo…
It’s well into February! Are you already racing to get ahead of what’s shaping up to be a manic year? Join the club of people back from the…
Fears are one of the primary motivators of the human condition. To dismiss a person’s fears is to deny such fears exist. They may take …
Do you work with someone with an inflated ego? A friend told me recently how her barrister friend was preening over a recent victory. She to…
There are so many articles, blogs and strategies for leaders on how and what to improve – but we can make it very simple for you – just …
“Communicate” originally meant “sharing”, “imparting” “to make common” in Latin. We all learn to speak, to converse, even to exchange infor…
Ahhh, the noise, hollering and frenetic cheers of New Year’s Eve have passed, and here (in Australia at least), we can sink into the balm of…
The end of the year is always a time most people look forward to – fun, Christmas with family, time off work and a chance to get away for …
A huge amount of unpleasant feeling is generated by conflict. That’s of course why we have courts and alternate dispute resolution measures…