Lots of things go wrong in life and when a disaster happens we can get torn apart. It may be the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, an acci…

Eve Ash is a psychologist, author, filmmaker, public speaker and entrepreneur. She runs Seven Dimensions, a company specialising in training resources for the workplace.
Lots of things go wrong in life and when a disaster happens we can get torn apart. It may be the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, an acci…
There is divided opinion about hiring friends and family for work. Is it a good thing for business? We tend to wonder because of the whi…
Would you like to refresh yourself today? Read this then go for a ten-minute walk, and ONLY think about your vision. Come back and write it …
If life is comfortable, let’s be honest – change/risk won’t be on the menu. For many of us, change is the equivalent of taking risks, whi…
A software engineer and new mother took on IBM, complaining of having to work extra hours. She lost and was ordered to pay costs. Read t…
We all pay lip service to honesty as a virtue, but because of conflicting or unclear objectives and agendas, some people hit the truthfulnes…
Maybe your attitudes, not your skills, are holding you back. Enthusiasm for work can take you leaps and bounds – from an intern one day to…
Sometimes businesses fall down in one or more service areas and lose their way on the path to being a service champion. When it comes to ser…
When someone says, writes or publishes something that is wrong, tainted, stupid, exaggerated, or an outright lie and you directly are involv…
On Friday, a former Silicon Valley junior investing partner, Ellen Pao, lost a sex discrimination case against her employer Kleiner Perkins …
Decades after the first rumblings of women’s discontent, the built-in bias against equal pay remains real and endemic. Some people speciousl…
We spend our working hours narrowly observing our managers, no wonder their very positive and especially negative points stand out so vividl…