Eve Ash is a psychologist, author, filmmaker, public speaker and entrepreneur. She runs Seven Dimensions, a company specialising in training resources for the workplace.
Do you ever feel bad? Does anyone working with you feel emotional or angry? Let’s explore the kind of feelings that can impact your work n…
At some point in any group or small team, there is the inevitable battle of personalities. I have worked in numerous environments where th…
These days many businesses are judged by their websites and their social media. But what about those organisations that offer face-to-face s…
We all appreciate a sense of completion with our work, and it’s preferable to drowning in a mess of your own making. Not ticking those ‘to…
Hating the boss is as old as capitalism. Toxic pharaohs and dastardly generals have been around for centuries, and historically, people had…
The pressure to work harder to succeed has created a culture for many that is difficult to sustain. What’s more, being connected and on…
Are you caving in to stress? Are you building up resentment against a colleague whose communication style differs from yours? Have you expl…
Lack of appreciation can cause damage, but how much thank you-ing is enough? 1. See the positive, don’t search for negative motives Givi…
Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg has recently been in the news as a consequence of the sudden tragic loss of her much-love…
Whilst we often think about where we want to be in the near future or by the end of the year or within a few years, it’s often hard to com…
Elephants never forget, the saying goes, and we supposedly can never ignore elephants in the room. Both sayings pertain to one undeniable …