When people think of presentations they tend to think of large lecture halls, a semi-attentive audience and a somewhat horrifyingly importan…

When people think of presentations they tend to think of large lecture halls, a semi-attentive audience and a somewhat horrifyingly importan…
Ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded its outlook for Queensland’s AA1 credit rating from stable to negative. ”The change in the outlook…
Woolworths may be unable to squeeze suppliers any further, putting it at risk of an earnings downgrade, according to a report by Merrill Lyn…
An Australian manufacturer and distributor of healthcare communications devices has collapsed, with administrators now seeking a buyer for a…
Demand for residential land has begun to pick up in Sydney, Perth and areas of Queensland, with other positive indicators for the year ahead…
Small business sales have increased in the three months to October by 3.5%, but conditions are poor in states without resource-based economi…
The Coalition is urging family businesses to have their say as part of a federal parliamentary inquiry, with more than 26 other businesses a…
In this fast-paced, always-on world that we live, receiving the undivided attention of anyone almost never happens. The thing is your undivi…
It was interesting, though not unsurprising, to see the media coverage on the launch of Click Frenzy last week. Click Frenzy Australia was a…
Sydney-based start-up biNu has snagged $4.3 million from investors including 500 Startups, having already received funds from Google’s Eric …
The passage last week of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 has been lauded as a significant improvement on its predecessor, the Equal O…
Watch out for polarisation of sales strategies and sales teams as the middle ground begins to disappear in 2012. We will see leaders ret…