Craig is the founding director at Motus Legal, a non-traditional legal consulting company that specialises in corporate transactions, financial services and advisory.
Last month, Piper Alderman hosted angel investment group SA Angels for a special invitation only event featuring Stefan Kuentz of Swisscom V…
Australia’s highest court, the High Court of Australia, has recently made a decision that serves as a clear reminder to businesses on the …
The rapid growth of social media has allowed businesses to engage with their customers in an increasingly personal manner. However, it is…
The Assistant Treasurer recently released a discussion paper inviting submissions on possible changes to relax the administrative and tax ar…
The recent Apple v Amazon case in the United States concerning Amazon’s use of the phrase ‘Appstore’ provides an important lesson for …
Recently, I read an article on StartupSmart about a franchisee of a retail store who is not receiving any revenue from sales made through th…
This week’s Secret Soloist is answered by lawyer Craig Yeung The main point to remember is that the arrangement should be documented in…
We purchased an established business recently and want to trademark the business name. The problem is that the same business name is u…
This week’s Secret Soloist is answered by lawyer Craig Yeung. There are laws that govern what information businesses can collect from c…
How early should I think about succession planning? Should I make it clear from day one who I want to own the business after me? Or…
I’m become entangled in a dispute with another business and am looking to take legal action. I’m weighing up, however, how much th…