The leading tax watchdog in Australia has placed a taxpayer bill of rights at the top of his list for public consultation this year. The Ins…

The leading tax watchdog in Australia has placed a taxpayer bill of rights at the top of his list for public consultation this year. The Ins…
Google Australia allegedly paid no tax on an estimated $940 million in web search advertising revenue. Taxpayers protested outside of the Br…
A note to paranoid tax cheats: they probably are following you. In an historic first, the Australian Crime Commission has entered into a $2…
A disgruntled taxpayer who lost his wealth, health and marriage after a five-year tax audit has lodged a statement of claim in the Federal C…
A recent decision in the Fair Work Commission has the potential to reshape the way employers think about part-time and job-sharing options f…
Joe Hockey wants to shake up the Australian Taxation Office. It’s welcome news to accountants and taxpayers, but he’ll need more than …
The Australian Taxation Office is on the hunt for 5600 Australian taxpayers who didn’t respond to letters about hiding cash and assets in ta…
He has only been in the job since January, but new Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan is shaking up the Australian Taxation Office and revamping …
New Australian Taxation Office Commissioner Chris Jordan has broken his silence. In a message to ATO staff two days ago in an internal ma…
Taxpayers, tax lawyers and even a current senior tax office lawyer have criticised the Australian Taxation Office for forcing taxpayers into…
The whistleblower at the centre of court action against the Australian Taxation Office over allegations she was bullied for lodging a compla…
Michael D’Ascenzo is out as the Australian Taxation Office chief. It’s worth examining his departure and legacy. Treasurer Wayne Swan…