President Barack Obama is proposing a budget of $US769 million to help fund the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity operations…
Andrew Sadauskas is a former journalist at SmartCompany and a former editor of TechCompany.
President Barack Obama is proposing a budget of $US769 million to help fund the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity operations…
I’m a keen student of the bi-annual profit reporting season. I love nothing more than reading up on what the big companies in my sector ar…
Incoming Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai says the company will focus as much on content, networking and software as it does on its physical products un…
Google’s planned takeover of smartphone maker Motorola Mobility is a step closer after the company gained regulatory approval from the Europ…
There’s a certain way to say everything and when times are slow, as they are now for many businesses, you really need to pick your words c…
Canonical has released a version of Ubuntu targeting the business desktop market in a direct challenge to enterprise Linux vendors such as R…
Online security expert Eugene Kaspersky has revealed his fears of cyberweapons and cyberterrorism, after Anonymous attacked the CIA website …
Valentine’s Day is here, love is in the air and your old romantic friend The Taskmaster has a song in his heart. It’s a ballad of …
Microsoft has confirmed that a full desktop and Office will be included as part of the forthcoming version of Windows 8 for mobile devices (…
The FBI has released a background check it conducted on Steve Jobs in 1991, prior to his appointment as an Export Council advisor to Preside…
I know it is early in the year and for many entrepreneurs it’s been a bit of a slow start to 2012. All the signs point to business and con…
A former Google executive has said that social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter, are slowly killing the web search market. …