Australia’s telecoms landscape is undergoing a significant change as the fibre revolution swings into action but what will Australia’s pre…

Alan is the founder of The Constant Investor.
Australia’s telecoms landscape is undergoing a significant change as the fibre revolution swings into action but what will Australia’s pre…
The rapid fall in the iron ore price in the past few weeks has exposed the core risk to the Australian economy: the currency needs to fall…
Alan Kohler’s column yesterday, “The Coalition’s NBN policy is madness”, is pure fantasy. He says that by the time of the next el…
The Shadow Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, hopped into your correspondent for describing Coalition policy on the NBN as “…
Sometime between now and the election the Coalition will need to dump its plan to stop the NBN rollout and replace it with a fibre to the …
The beautiful thing about the politics of electricity prices is that everything is true. It’s true that the carbon tax is increasing th…
Not all progress is for the best. When I was a young stock exchange reporter, the exchange was a broker co-operative where bids and offers…
Yesterday Prime Minister Julia Gillard began the task of wrenching the political debate in Australia back towards Labor’s preferred terr…
The Labor government hopes that the carbon tax is like the GST, so that when the sky doesn’t fall it will be accepted and everyone will …
The other paper business that’s painfully going digital – apart from the beleaguered newspaper publishers – is mail. It’s happeni…
Apparently both the Federal and Victorian governments are working hard to save the jobs of the 600 souls employed at the Alcoa aluminium s…
It’s hard to know which of the two cracking Fairfax stories to concentrate on: The efforts of the management and board to modernise the …