I’m starting up a retail operation and I’m considering my marketing plan. However, I don’t have much idea who my target customers are …

I’m starting up a retail operation and I’m considering my marketing plan. However, I don’t have much idea who my target customers are …
I chose a name for my business and did all my marketing material, advertising, etc. I now hate it and have had it pointed out to me that it …
This article first appeared on May 17th, 2011. I get really nervous when I have to pitch to others. I hate public speaking and forcing…
Subway’s ‘foot-long’ sandwich claim got caned recently in the media. Does this kind of detail matter, or should I be pushing claim…
Twitter is a fantastic tool for us but I’ve noticed that some people go on there and bag our business. Should we engage with these people …
This article first appeared on September 28th, 2010. I’m looking to set up a boutique jewellery operation and want to price my products…
Are brand ambassadors something that only very large businesses can use? I’ve got quite a nifty web start-up and am keen on getting an end…
What does it take for a marketing idea to go viral and spread overseas? Is there any kind of approach that you can take with your marketing …
I’m looking to sell my products internationally. Should I change my brand’s name to cater for these new markets? We live in a hyper…
How much work should I put into focusing on a certain type of customer? Do I need to work out the exact demographics of those that buy…
Great question. Think of everything in society as an opportunity to communicate your brand proposition. Everything that generates medi…
“Public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by s…