Reach out to your local market

TaskmasterWhile there’s been plenty of talk about Australian consumers increasingly purchasing goods from overseas website, it’s not completely one-way traffic.


New data from American Express suggests that 48% of consumers are buying more local goods than they did a year ago.


That shows that consumers are keen to reach out to local businesses. They want to form relationships, they want a high level of service, they want to support their local community.


The question is, what can your business do to reach out to the local market? Here are a few ideas:

  • Get involved in local community events, such as fundraisers, fêtes and fairs.
  • Sponsor a local sporting team.
  • Have a “locals” night and offer a 10% discount for people who bring in a rates notice showing they live in the area.
  • Learn customers’ names. Know what they like.
  • Offer a special order system for locals.
  • Learn the “rhythm” of the local area. If there are certain times of the day that people are around (that is, after work or early in the morning) then make sure you are open at those times.

It’s not hard, so get it done – today!