THE NEWS WRAP: Google executive among those killed in Nepal earthquake

A Google executive is among more than 2000 people who have been killed by an earthquake in Nepal over the weekend.


Dan Fredinburg was an experienced climber who was in charge of privacy for Google X and its product management team, according to TechCrunch.


Fredinburg was killed on Mount Everest after the earthquake triggered a deadly avalanche.


“We appreciate all of the love that has been sent our way thus far and know his soul and his spirit will live on in so many of us,” his family said in a statement posted to his Instagram account.


“All our love and thanks to those who shared this life with our favorite hilarious strong willed man.”


As of Monday morning more than 300 Australians were unaccounted for.


Nokia pours cold water on reports it’s planning to manufacture headsets in 2016


Nokia has denied media reports it is quietly planning to return to the phone market in 2016.


In a short statement posted on its website, Nokia said it was not intending to manufacture consumer handsets out of an R&D facility in China.


“These reports are false, and include comments incorrectly attributed to a Nokia Networks executive,” the company says.


“Nokia reiterates it currently has no plans to manufacture or sell consumer handsets.”


Xiaomi expects to scoop up $US1 billion in revenue this year


Low-cost Chinese electronics firms Xiaomi expects to see its revenue from mobile services triple this year to almost $US1 billion, The Wall Street Journal reports.


The company is the world’s third largest smartphone maker by volume, behind only Samsung and Apple.


However, unlike its rivals, Xiaomi sells its smartphones at prices just above what it costs to produce them. The tech giant hopes to expand outside of China later this year.




The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 21.45 points, rising 0.12% to 18,080.14. The Aussie dollar is currently trading at around 78 US cents.


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