I am sacking again. Is it the job or the person?

Hi Aunty B,

I have a very complex marketing job that needs to be done. I am now on to my third person for the one job in less than a year. Do I change the job or the person?

Leonie S,
North Shore


Hi Leonie,

Change the person. Many entrepreneurs have had the same problem. But when they persist and find the right person, it is like the answer to a prayer.

Make sure the next candidate knows the job is very difficult and stressful. Have a look at the tasks the new staff member did in the past. How might this job be different?

Look for someone with experience in marketing for your industry, as this may mean they have more specific skills.

Use scenarios in the interview and ask them what they might do in a particular situation.

Offer training and assistance at the start. Maintain regular contact with them so they feel supported and to check they are up to the job. Ensure they are prioritising correctly by clearly explaining the vision and strategy.

Good luck,

Your Aunty B

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