Amazon unveils Fire TV set top box

Amazon has launched a set top box and streaming video service called Fire TV, with a recommended retail price in the US of $US99 ($107), with the new device set to compete against Google Chromecast, Apple TV and Microsoft’s Xbox One.

The company also announced a $US39.99 controller for video games will also be released for the device, along with a range of low-cost games.

The new device contains a quad-core processor with more than three times of competing devices, which the online retail and electronics giant says is more than three times the amount offered by Apple TV, Chromecast, or Roku 3.

For image and video processing, the device includes an Adreno 320 graphics engine that processes 57 billion floating point instructions per second.

Another key feature of the Fire TV is a microphone built into the remote control, which allows for voice control of the system.

In a statement, founder Jeff Bezos claims the new device will be more user friendly than its rivals.

“Voice search that actually works means no more typing on an alphabet grid. Our exclusive new ASAP feature predicts the shows you’ll want to watch and gets them ready to stream instantly.

“And our open approach gives you not just Amazon Instant Video and Prime Instant Video, but also Netflix, Hulu Plus, and more. On Fire TV you can watch Alpha House and House of Cards.”