Power Play: Adventure is powerful

Great things happen when we open ourselves up to the possibility of change.

A sudden change in routine might be just the adventure you need. Power Players know that an adventure – any adventure – can be incredibly powerful for work or play. The unexpected can be just the ticket to shaking things up and giving you an entirely new perspective on pretty much everything. Most of us don’t get nearly enough adventure in our lives. We fall into the trap of routine and of average.

Adventure is the enemy of average, and is a great way to challenge the things sitting on our heads that seem immovable and set in concrete. Great things happen when we open ourselves up to the possibility of change. Power Players knows this (usually) only happens when we throw ourselves into an adventure. It doesn’t need to be a safari in Africa, but it might be dinner at a place we’d never normally consider, or a tap dancing class or a conversation with a person we haven’t taken the time to get to know – anything that is off the beaten track.