Power Play: Need for nothing

When push comes to shove, Power Players can be a neat little self-contained unit if they need to be. They need for nothing. No accolades, no hero-worship, no pity-party.

This, in turn, makes them incredibly powerful. Being self-contained requires very little expenditure of false energy – the kind where you constantly worry about what you’re not getting, what people aren’t saying, the accolades you aren’t receiving.

Power Players learn to love the little acts of kindness and happiness in life. They are grateful for every day they get.

They are grateful for living in a country where if they work hard they can make a decent life for themselves. They need for very little in the way of material crap as well.

This means that if they lose the big job and the perks that come with, they can go back to living a very lean and simple life.

As soon as the money starts to roll, take a big lead from Power Players: get into the habit of needing for nothing. It will make you more powerful than you can possibly imagine.