Jolla to unveil MeeGo-based Sailfish smartphone platform on November 21

Jolla, a smartphone start-up formed by former executives and engineers from Nokia’s now-defunct MeeGo-N9 smartphone unit, have announced they will unveil their new MeeGo-based smartphone platform on November 21.

According to TechCrunch, Jolla plans to demonstrate Sailfish at the Slush start-up conference in Helsinki. The code for the underlying MeeGo-based platform, known as Sailfish, will be openly available, with Jolla adding its own smartphone user interface, currently known as the Jolla UI, on top of the open platform for its smartphones.

In a press release, Jolla says:

“Jolla is very excited to be able to share the user interface, and talk about the Jolla SDK and application ecosystem with the developers. Jolla will publish the device information, ID and expected availability before Christmas.”

“In addition, Jolla will be hosting a separate, in-depth session to showcase the user interface, and a press Q&A session. The Jolla user interface will be incorporated into the previously announced Sailfish alliance software.”

“Jolla has been working on the scalability and user experience based on MeeGo in order to be able to support multiple different device categories.”

“This development has now reached a point that Jolla can showcase the user interface, its differentiation from the existing mobile UI’s and its possibilities as part of the Sailfish alliance.”


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