evokeAG opens 2024 applications, and is taking its agrifood celebration to Perth

agtech startups evokeag

AgriFutures evokeAG 2024 event has opened applications for its Startup Program and is inviting startups and scaleups alike to participate.

The event — which aims to celebrate agrifood innovation — offers a platform for businesses in the agrifood tech sector to interact with potential investors, establish new connections, and expand their customer reach.

Running from February 20-21, 2024 in Perth, 29 startups will be chosen to attend for free.

In addition to the general event, 10 startups will be selected by AgriFutures to present their technology live on the demo stage. A select number of companies from Australia and New Zealand will also be given the opportunity to introduce their products or services to potential clients and investors at a Culinary Capital Dinner.

“We want to see applications from companies that will, or already are, helping to revolutionise the agrifood sector, have strong market potential, and a clear vision for the future,” Harriet Mellish, AgriFutures’ general manager of global innovation networks, said.

The evoke AG. Startup Program was initiated in 2019 and has been a part of the agrifood tech landscape since then, playing a role in the development of multiple startups in the domain.

Danielle Morton, CEO of Zondii, who participated in the evoke AG. Startup Program in 2023, shared her experience:

“It was an invaluable opportunity for the growth of our business, not only opening doors to investment and partnerships, but allowing us to talk directly to the people who will use and benefit from our technology – potential customers,” Morton said.

“We spoke to around 30 wool producers at evokeAG 2023 in Adelaide and met a large sheep machinery manufacturer who we are in discussions with about potential opportunities. I couldn’t recommend the Program more and would strongly encourage any startups in the agrifood sector to apply.”

A new feature in evokeAG  2024 is the acceptance of applications from evokeAG startup alumni at the Scaleup Station. This allows scaleups that have participated in Startup Alley in the past to present their progress and connect with potential partners.

Applications for the evokeAG 2024 Startup Program are open from Monday, September 18, and will close on Monday, October 23.