scale up SaaS

eBook: Set your SaaS Business for Scale

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Parallo eBook: Set your SaaS Business for Scale

Be free to focus on product and customers, not platform management.

To scale you need to scale technically, and despite the promise of the cloud, it’s not always achievable.

Each SaaS business is different, but peel back the brand and the technology and you’ll see almost identical challenges. Unsurprisingly, most startups shut up shop when they’ve grown to between 11–50 employees.

Too many founders and CEOs get stuck fighting fires, working in the business, not on the business. With the benefit of that experience and the frontline expertise of Parallo CEO, Symon Thurlow, this eBook has the scoop on what to do instead.

Download this eBook for insights on how you can set yourself up for scale while controlling your cash burn.


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Parallo makes sure you and your team focus on what will support your growth, not on unnecessary technical distractions from your cloud platform. For the last 7 years Parallo has been managing cloud platforms for SaaS businesses, continually optimising the four pillars of operational excellence – security, performance, availability and cost.

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