jobs victoria wage subsidy


Open for business: Unpacking the Jobs Victoria wage subsidy

Sponsored by Jobs Victoria

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The unemployment rate in Australia is the lowest rate recorded since November 2008 (4.5% in August, 2021). While this is good news for many, the economic recovery has not been shared by all Australians, particularly not by Victorians.

The pandemic has seen many Victorians unemployed for the first time. Conversely, it has seen business owners short-staffed and looking to hire.

In this SmartCompany webinar, editor Eloise Keating gathers with Jobs Victoria CEO Lisa Buckingham and business owner Chris Choong to discuss how employers can hire in today’s job market, and how they can access the Jobs Victoria fund.

With expert panel:

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Jobs Victoria

Jobs Victoria can help businesses find the people they need and Victorians find their way back to work. Call 1300 208 575 or visit