The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre secures $8.9 million in funding and a home in Adelaide


The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre will be established at the Lot Fourteen innovation precinct in Adelaide later this year.

The $8.9million centre will support startups, scale-ups and existing businesses to launch new products and services into global markets.

Lot Fourteen is a former hospital site in the CDB of Adelaide that has been transformed into an innovation neighbourhood and is scheduled to be fully operational by July 2020.

The South Australian government has signed memorandum of understandings with national security agencies and universities as well as Optus, Symantec and Dtex Systems.

A report by Australia’s CSIRO scientific research organisation found that Australia’s small cyber security industry is expected to grow from about 20,000 workers today to 31,600 by 2026 and triple its revenue to $6 billion.

The report also states “the majority of Australian organisations currently lack the capacity to employ large internal cyber security teams”.

The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre has been designed to tap into the need for more cyber security experts to take advantage of the growing revenue.

The centre will include a Cyber Launchpad, made up of a Cyber Academy and Cyber Test Range. The Cyber Academy will train all levels of the cyber workforce, raise awareness in high schools, and provide formal training at the technical, professional and C-suite level.

The Cyber Test Range will allow organisations to carry out security testing of equipment or network configurations. It will also provide a mix of internet-facing and isolated networks for local cyber startups to showcase their tools to their fullest in a safe environment.

Lot Fourteen is home to many of South Australia’s space industry startups and will soon host the Australian Space Agency and the Australian Institute for Machine Learning.

This article was first published by The Lead.

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