“Motivation is a feeling, commitment is a mindset”: Why you should start investing in yourself right now

investing in yourself

Who Am I Projects founder Lisa Stephenson. Source: Supplied.

Imagine if your 2019 really could be different to the years that have gone before.

New Year’s resolutions rarely yield ongoing results because our motivation fades and, often, it fades fast.

How many of us start something on January 1, such as a new diet and exercise regime, and by Wednesday we are eating four slices of peanut butter toast and skipping the workout?

Or have vowed to put ourselves forward for a promotion, yet back away when the manager looks too busy?

The behaviour and mindset that gives us the greatest chance of success in 2019 is commitment. So that even if we eat the toast, breaking our no-carb rule, and delay seeing the manager one day because we are trying to find the confidence, we gather ourselves and get back on the case the next day. We are committed to the end goal and to persevering.

On the other side of commitment is where your success is waiting. Depending on motivation to get you there will lead to disappointment.

Motivation is a feeling, commitment is a mindset.

If you really want to create change this year, reflect on these questions.

  • When have I been successful before and what behaviours did I demonstrate?
  • What am I already committed to in my life that’s working?
  • When has motivation let me down?
  • How can I integrate higher-level commitment with my planning and thinking?
  • What would be different for me if I were committed? 

  • What are my non-negotiables when it comes to my daily or weekly habits?

There are no short-cuts

If you are someone who has been having the same conversation with yourself about what you need to do next, it might just be time to pay attention. There really are no short-cuts to having a happy, healthy and successful life.

The good news is, you can start today and there’s still plenty of time for this to be your best year yet. Do the work now and trust the results will come later.

No one else can make this happen for you. When it feels hard, your job is to keep going. We all have untapped potential and resilience that is there to draw on. The most successful people in the world did the work on themselves so they could get there.

Start investing in yourself right now

Investing in you right now is possibly the most important investment you will ever make.

Because you know what? You matter.

Here are 10 strategies to implement now.

  1. Write down specific and meaningful goals that will keep you focused and on track.
  2. Create realistic but ambitious timelines (both short- and long-term) that can guide you on where to invest your time and when.
  3. Write a list of everyone you know who can support you in bringing your goals to life.
  4. Identify the blockers and challenges you will face and spend time working through how you will overcome them.
  5. Think big and capture all your possible opportunities and ideas. Then, check with the people around you to see what you might have missed in your brainstorming.
  6. On a scale of one to 10, consider how committed you really are to succeeding. Are you prepared to compromise and do what’s required to make this happen?
  7. Carefully work through the financial, emotional, physical and spiritual needs that you will have while you’re working on you. Also, identify what your significant others might need from you during this time.
  8. Write down what success will look and feel like for you. Be as specific as you can. This is one of the most important steps in creating a successful life.
  9. Build in accountability systems that will keep your momentum going as you progress.
  10. Review your plan constantly, ensuring you adapt and evolve your plan as you achieve your goals.

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