My staff say I am tight. Help!

Dear Aunty B,

I have just learnt that I have a nickname in the office, which is TA for tight arse. I am miffed to say the least.

My ungrateful bunch of staff got pay rises through the GFC, new chairs, new computers, a day off on their birthday AND a gift voucher, generous maternity and paternity leave and lunch in the office at the end of every month. I am the most generous employer that I know! What do they expect?


Dear Miffed,

I have good news for you. TA is a euphemism for boss. That’s right! TA is the nickname given by staff to every employer across the globe. So don’t take it personally. In fact, if you as a boss and do not have that nickname, be afraid. Be very afraid. It could mean you are going to hit the financial skids at some point because you have not instilled into your staff the mantra that every cent counts. So if I were you, I would wear that name with pride.

Every time you are dishing out a note to an employee about watching the budget, sign it with a bold TA. Refer to your nickname at every opportunity whenever a question of resources arises. Not only will it drive home to them that cost is a major focus but they will become so embarrassed and probably bored, they could well start calling you something else!

Good luck,
Your Aunty B

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