Do I employ the homegrown or outside specialist?

Dear Aunty B,

I have a problem for you! I have some fantastic staff that have been with me from the start. They made the transition from juniors to running the place very successfully. In fact, my secretary who answered the phones at the start now runs our marketing department.

However, we need to execute our FY strategy and that involves doubling in size. I want to give these people a go at the next level. But I am also wondering whether I am comfortable with who I know and instead, should I bring in professionals with expertise in those areas? I am an ambitious bugger and the sky is the limit!

What do you think?


Dear LT,

Often your best people can be those homegrown, passionate, loyal stayers who have the company’s DNA programmed into their brains. As long as they want to grow the company as fast as you do and they have the intelligence and skills to adapt and the capacity to keep growing, then stick with them! Why risk bringing in outsiders?

If they need to skill up they can do online training courses at night. Business coaches can be extremely beneficial along with mentoring. And you can always bring in consultants to provide external knowledge. So if I were you, I’d go with the homegrown staff, especially as you are doubling in size and you want your culture to infiltrate the brains of your new folk.

But make sure it is a priority this year that you focus on each of those individuals and map out the skills it will take to get to the next level. Work out a plan for them. Now is the time to do that, as it is performance review season.

Also talk to them about attitude. Even your loyal homegrown stalwarts might reach a point where they are uncomfortable with the fast pace, as they can’t keep up. They can subtly start to hold things back and it might take you awhile to see that as you have such a trusting relationship with them.

Good luck!
Your Aunty B

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