Eight ways to make a positive start for 2018

Eight ways to make a positive start to 2018

The year is moving fast – we were looking back at our achievements and winding down in December and heading up to new year. Then suddenly the weeks flew by and now it is time to wind back up. So make a few guiding principles for yourself to start the year on a great note.

Think positive not negative scripts in your head.

Get rid of scripts that hold you back and focus on the inner voice that motivates you.

‘I’m going to enjoy this year’

‘I will grab opportunities’

‘I appreciate working with my team’

‘I’ve got time and will use it effectively’

Set realistic goals

By now, you should know sometimes we set expectations of ourselves far too high. While it’s good to aim high, it’s best to build up to big goals by setting smaller achievable ones, then go for more as these are achieved.

Help someone

One of the best things you can do is to offer to help or do something nice for someone else. It gives you a great warm feeling. It also gives you a reality check and new perspective that may help you in surprising ways.

Walk and stretch

Don’t sit for long periods of time glued to your desk or computer. Walk around, make a point of stretching and getting some fresh air during the work day.

Find your special way to relax

Maybe it’s meditation, music, massage or just being in a quiet place. We should all have a way to quickly find peace in ourselves and de-stress easily. Know what it is that puts you in a great, relaxed state. Learn to switch to that state when you get overwhelmed.

Focus on moving forward and not getting stuck

Sometimes we get upset, anxious or angry, and stay stuck in that headspace, annoyed and upset. Allow time to vent and get through it – but don’t let it control you.

Find the support you need

Everyone can benefit from a mentor, counsellor or good friend who can listen, discuss or even offer great advice. If you are struggling with something at work or at home, go and get help. Find a nonjudgmental, experienced person who can help you though the difficult time… and you will grow.

Be grateful and acknowledge others

Who can you thank and for what… when? Too often we don’t acknowledge the good work or support of others. We think it goes without saying, but it is much better to realise and say something. Try it today!

Choose to have an excellent year. Climb your mountain… achieve fitness and goals. Make good plans and deliver on your promises.

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