iPhone operating system update tomorrow, but developers don’t know what to expect

While tech fans are busy trying to get their hands on the newly released Apple iPad, application developers are gearing up for an announcement tomorrow at which the company is expected to unveil the new iPhone operating system called OS 4.0.

The announcement to various bloggers and members of the press, which occurred earlier this week, came as a surprise, with many analysts not expecting such a large release so soon after the iPad launch.

But while application developers are eager to hear what Apple has to say about the new update, which will hopefully deliver new tools designed to expand and improve what programmers can deliver, their wish list is shrinking.

In previous years Apple developers have requested a number of updates such as cut, copy and paste support, and a full software developer’s kit before that in 2008, but apart from multitasking many developers aren’t sure what they are asking for.

Keith Ahern, chief executive of development studio MoGeneration, says while he expects one major announcement regarding multitasking support, he doesn’t know what to expect.

“Multitasking will be fixed in a few months, we are all expecting that. When 3.0 came out last year, a lot of people asked what was missing from the update, but honestly developers were really amazed with what they had. Now, we just don’t know what else we want.”

“A lot of us didn’t think Apple would announced a 4.0 update so quickly, so many of us haven’t put that much thought into it. We’ve been wondering about hardware updates for the iPhone later this year, so we honestly don’t know. What the hell is it going to do? We’re in new territory.”

There have been some hints as to what may be included. Some rumours suggest a user interface update, while Apple’s recent acquisition of advertising platform Quattro Wireless has fuelled rumours of an entirely new ad model for the iPhone and iPad.

Ahern says this would change the way apps are both made and interacted with. “An amazing feature would be interactive app advertising, which would allow me to try an app from an ad within another app. That would be extremely welcome.”

Marc Edwards, chief executive of development company Bjango, also says there is a question mark over what will be unveiled later tonight in San Francisco.

“Apple has been slaving away and I expect some significant improvements, probably something to do with the user interface, at least on the OS level. There also might be an update for the missing stocks on the iPad, such as the calculator, stocks and weather.”

But Edwards says while previous years have seen developers cry out for more, the 4.0 OS version will be the first to introduce some unexpected elements into iPhone and iPad application development.

“There’s really not that much left to ask for. What you have on the iPhone and iPad is a gorgeous screen and you get to use them all for your apps, so the OS will hopefully let us use more of that and so on.”

“The really big question, of course, is whether the OS 4.0 will actually be launched tomorrow or whether it will just be an announcement and nothing else. I say it’ll be the preview and then we’ll see a release later this year.”

Apple traditionally releases updates for the iPhone operating system in March or April, with a release in conjunction with new iPhone models during the middle of the year. Additionally, a launch of the OS tomorrow is unlikely as developers will need some time with the new software developer’s kit to create apps taking advantage of the 4.0 update.

The announcement will occur tomorrow morning at 03:00 AEST.