#WITBragDay: Ten of the best tweets from women about their contributions to tech

Gen George

Gen George

The startup sphere is revered for its innovative thought, but over the past few months, headlines have painted the culture of technology companies as being far from inclusive places to be.

But, amid accusations of harassment in the sector and staff memos out of monoliths like Google arguing against diversity, women working within tech companies have been speaking out about being unseen and underappreciated.

Cue the “#WITBragDay” hashtag, which has prompted an avalanche of tweets over the past two days from women in the sector explaining exactly what their contributions mean to technology design, in real terms.

Responses have come from those heavily embedded in the Australian startup scene, including Fishburners interim chief Annie Parker and serial entrepreneur Susan Wu, as well as heavyweights at global companies from Google to Netflix. The hashtag is also an interesting look at what developers actually do with their time, and how their codes translate into important functions consumers use each day.

Here are 10 of the most impressive brags from women in the industry.

1. Building the internet

In a series of tweets, serial entrepreneur Susan Wu, who splits her time between the US and Australia and is a founder of startup diversity community Project Include, discussed the several companies she has built so far.

2. Reaching hundreds of thousands of consumers

Fishburners chief executive Annie Parker reflected on the reach of the several companies she has created so far.

3. Learning quick

Australian tech “builder” Jessica Glenn discussed leaving corporate life to become a coder within a year.

4. Creating things from scratch

Skilld and tamme founder Gen George reflected on creating programs from nothing.

5. Making Gmail work

Google software engineer Julie Parent explained her first actual job was creating the code for Gmail.

6. Stopping rats at Topshop

Among London software engineer Emma-Ashley Liles many achievements, she created a code to assist retailers with broken down services like toilet problems — and tracking rodents.

7. Got hired by Google, without the degree

Google Cloud engineer Liz Fong-Jones explains how she went back to college after dropping out, being hired by Google and starting to contribute to cloud tech, all before her mid 20s.

8. Making Netflix … show video

Netflix engineer Anne Aaron reflected that her coding team ensures the video streaming app actually delivers what it says it will: high quality, uninterrupted shows.

9. Starting super young

Half stack engineer at Australian marketing startup Campaign Monitor, Georgie Luhur, reflected she was well on track to delivering work in the tech space by the time she was 10.

10. Getting Jeff Goldblum to dance to the Propellerheads

Mobile director at meetup and former Apple lead Kathy Tafel explained it was her job to help with suggestions for the music for the new iPod ads, having been less than impressed by the tech giant’s use of ‘old people music’ when advertising the iMac.

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