How to attract customers using online media publishing

Greg Muller, founder of multi-million digital group iFocus, says businesses need to use social media and content publishing in order to attract customers and visitors to a website.

“You need to be providing a service of some sort online to your customer. Whether that’s information, whether that’s some sort of tool or value add, you need a reason why they want to come back and want to participate in your brand and get their eyes versus that of a competitor.”

“But if you’re not thinking about it that way, and just wanted to put your website up and hope that people will come and read about you, there might be bits and pieces of that but you certainly don’t look to build brands that way. You certainly don’t look to engage new audiences that way.”

“So there are great opportunities to be pushing information out, providing different services and, going back to your question, are these organisations becoming publishers? I think that in many ways that they are. But they’re not used to playing that model.”

Read more about Greg Muller and iFocus.