Half my staff are nicking off to the Cup. Help!

Dear Aunty B,

Last week one of my staff in sales asked me to have a half-day off to go to the Cup. I was happy to do so because he often works late.

But since then half the staff have come up and asked to leave at lunchtime and most of them work to rule!

I don’t feel I can ask them to take a half-day of leave because I gave my sales staff the half-day.

Any hints Aunty B?

South Melbourne

Dear Jane,

I assume you are the boss. That means you can do whatever you like.

Get your bookkeeper to send leave forms to everyone with a note saying that she/he has been advised they are taking the half-day and to fill in the following form. Simple. Then you just go up to your sales guy and tell him that he can take it off in lieu.

Good luck,
Your Aunty B