Pangolin Associates

Founders: Matthew Curnow, Davide Ross, Iain Smale, Chris Wilson
Revenue: $954,650
Started: 2010
Head Office: South Australia
Employees: 6
Industry: Other

Pangolin Associates is a carbon management and sustainability consultancy.


It works with businesses and governments across the country to help them increase efficiencies, thereby reducing their carbon footprint and other environment impacts.


“Our focus is in the provision of tailored and integrated solutions to enable organisations to manage and reduce their impact on climate change and implement more sustainable practices,” Curnow says.


“Our goal is to form long-term working partnerships with our clients and ensure they maximise the many opportunities that sustainability planning can bring.


“We assist organisations to reduce their climate change impact by providing comprehensive but easy-to-read reports, education and capacity building.”


Curnow and his three co-founders started Pangolin Associates after their previous employer went into administration.


“We all had a passion for the sustainability field so we decided to start our own company. Our niche is about providing quality and value in our consulting,” he says.


“So much of the market seems sceptical of constants, having received poor or very overpriced work in the past. We now get a lot of referral business from our own clients – a good sign we are doing something right.”


The business continues to grow, especially in the area of conducting energy audits.


“In South Australia we were chosen by the state government to deliver the Business Sustainability Alliance Energy Efficiency Program,” Curnow says.


“This program involves us conducting a Level 2 energy audit, providing a training and engagement session for the staff.


“To date, on average for each client we have identified $164,733 of savings with a payback of 3.9 years, providing a 27.3% energy reduction.”