Nepean Industry Edge Training

Founders: Carol Campbell
Revenue: $1.31 million
Started: 2010
Head Office: Victoria
Employees: 7
Industry: Education

Nepean Industry Edge Training is a registered training organisation delivering nationally accredited training, mainly in the community services area.


“I knew there was a gap in the training market, particularly around services to clients,” Campbell says.


“I was committed to making a difference with training, and could only do that if I had control in developing a culture of support and engagement.


“We believe in creating training that is engaging, inspiring and motivating… It doesn’t take a lot to be better – you just need to do what you say you will.”


While starting her business, Campbell was busy looking after her young sons and sick father. There were times when she doubted herself, yet persevered regardless.


“From adversity we grow – every challenge is an opportunity for growth,” she says.


Campbell is proud of the example she has set for her sons with regard to working hard and reaping the rewards.


“We are small fry compared to our surrounding competition. However, we have managed to grow very fast due to the fact that we care about our clients,” she says.


“From the moment they walk in to the moment they finish their training, they are valued and supported. We do not take them for granted, and remain as flexible as possible.


“We also ensure we provide service to each other – work as a team and maintain a strong supportive culture within.”