Does your site look nice on every device?

taskmasterIt’s time to round-up every mobile phone in your office. Grab the iPhones, find the Samsungs, and look for the old Nokia bricks that only get used in emergencies.


Now lay them all out on your desk and connect to the internet. Then type in the most important URL of all – your own.


This simple test will allow you to check how your website looks on screens of multiple sizes and I’m tipping it may well reveal more than a few issues.


In my experience, most websites look good on desktops and tablets. When it gets to laptops and mobile phones, the experience can differ greatly.


Now, your resources may mean you are unable to optimise your website for every single screen. But you probably want to pick a few popular screens (your Google Analytics will tell you which mobile devices are most common on your site) to ensure things look tip top.


Just remember, mobile is the way of the future. If your site doesn’t look GREAT on a mobile phone, you need to take action.


Get it done – today!