Make time to talk big ideas

I’ve just come back from a strategy afternoon and let me tell you I am completely energised and full of love for the great team we’ve assembled at Taskmaster Enterprises.


I won’t bore you with the details of the day, but I do want to say how valuable it is to get out of the office and look at the business from a big-picture perspective.


We all know that you can get caught up working in a business rather than on a business. But strategy sessions do allow for a bit of breathing space, to stand back and strategise.


While lots of businesses have annual strategy sessions for their entire company, my suggestion is to get a little bit more micro.


Try breaking things down into business units or areas of expertise and then hold bi-annual strategy sessions lasting a few hours. That way you can still think big, but you don’t risk getting too far off the track and wasting time.


My last bit of advice is to make sure you have someone record all the ideas that come out of the session and then assign a team member to each new initiative. That way, your great strategising won’t go to waste.


Get it done – today!