Make friends with your local member

So Australia’s got a new small business minster. Senator Mark Arbib is the third holder of that position in the last three years and will replace Nick Sherry in the coming weeks.

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Arbib is a bit of an unknown quantity in the small business community and it will be very interesting to see how he performs.


But while we’ll have to wait a while to see how Arbib pans out, start-up entrepreneurs shouldn’t wait to book an appointment with their local members of parliament, both at a state and federal level.


Now, you might question why little old you needs to take the time to talk to politicians. But understanding how the political process works can be very valuable and having the chance to air any problems you might have is a little step towards getting something changed.


If you can’t get an appointment with your local member, try to catch up with them at an event in your local area. If nothing else, you’ll have a great opportunity to network with some fellow entrepreneurs.


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